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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/CarnivalOfSorts on 2025-03-20 20:32:33+00:00.

So, my cousin works for a large national clothing company. Today they had an all hands on deck meeting where the first things said was, "this year was the worst year “company” had ever had. “We ALL need to step up to do our part”

So then they find out the CEO is leaving, to be replaced by the previous CEO who originally retired.

Later they mentioned the loss of money from closing a warehouse they had, thinking that was gonna look good for the books when it actually made them worse because it was rushed. So instead of an executive mea culpa, it was a “our frontline workers just didn’t step up enough”.

Step up with what? You closed a production and return warehouse just before peak parcel season and you didn’t have any warehouse or personnel infrastructure at your three other locations ready for the onslaught of product that no longer went to that branch! You killed a literal 4th of your production size without a thought of the other 3/4ths can pick it up! Who made THAT decision?

So, because of all that and the losses from the last fiscal year another announcement goes out, “business expenses such as trips or alike things will not be approved.”

The meeting was abruptly ended right after the same person who stopped trips was pleased to tell them all about how the executive group was going to fly to New York to ring the bell at the NYSE to celebrate their anniversary of public trade status!

Fucking neat!