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The original was posted on /r/perchance by /u/Winstontheclown on 2023-06-27 17:07:17+00:00.

Hello, I’m the creator of the generator random character generator also with other stuff. I’ve added over 6000 items that the generator could produce, but I’ve been thinking about working on this thing for a long time and without making any profit from this: is there something more I could do with this generator? I wonder if I could turn it into some official site or learn how to make it more like the other generators that look way cooler than mine, I don’t think I could profit from this since I have other people’s work in this and it’d feel wrong to profit from someone else’s work, and I sometimes do try to make the generator better but I end up failing to do so and I end up so frustrated after. Then I think, maybe it’s not supposed to as big as I want it to be, but what if it could? Is it possible for me to do something like that?