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The original was posted on /r/godot by /u/Sepifz on 2025-03-25 14:51:56+00:00.
I started game dev with Game Maker 7.1, didn’t know anything about programming at the time, so I followed HeartBeast tutorials on youtube and it was fantastic to have a full game running in about an hour.
Fast forward 5 years and I had trouble coding so I resorted to Construct 2 for its ease of use, it was a great experience learning game design with it, but I had to choose between having a career and making stuff for myself, and I choose to learn Unity.
Two years later I was capable of making a full game in Unity but still lacked essential skills to create a fundamentally standard structure in my code instead of spicy margarita fettuccine.
That was until that beautiful day, that Monday morning when I said “Nope, let’s learn a new engine”.
And there I was engineless again, my perfectionist mindset had taken over, little did I know it was one of the greatest decisions in my career.
I learned Godot in an about a month, with the help of a YouTuber by the name of Heartb… oh you already know, the one and legendary Godot YouTuber.
I made 4 games with it and many prototypes, it taught me concepts in a way I understood and was awesome to use.
Fast forward 3 years and now I work as a full time Unity developer and really miss those days of Godot, I couldn’t find a studio in my area which used Godot.
Finally I wanna include that this is one of the best engines out there and I love to see it grow bigger and bigger, I had my best memories with the community supporting my game as well, love to yall.