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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/RequirementUsual1976 on 2023-08-25 13:30:17.

I, 39m, work in agriculture. Long days, long hours, great money. We recently hired a new guy. He’s 35ish. He told us early on that he is not a morning person and, boy, was he right.

We show up at 6am and for the first hour or so, this guy is just a huuuuge pain in the balls. He whines about being tired, he whines about the long hours, he whines about the dust, smells, bugs, grease, chemicals, equipment and pretty much everything else that was explained to him when he was hired. This is the job.

He does this every morning without fail. But after the first hour, a switch flips and he is a reasonably capable and competent employee. No bitching or crying for the rest of the day and we all get along fine. We more or less like the guy. Just not for the first hour of the day. Every. Day. For months.

About a week ago, he turns up in the morning and is on a tear. Just ranting. We all go along with our day, but this morning is worse than others. It just. Keeps. Going. He’s unstoppable. Until I finally tell him, “OK man… I have heard enough. Close your mouth, buckle down, find something else to do AWAY FROM US. Or quit. I don’t know. But I am tired of hearing your shit.”

Guy goes ballistic. “So run me off! Fire me! Whip my ass!” No, dude. No one wants that. We all have a job to do and families to feed. Just shut up. He does not. He escalates his fit until he is literally taunting me and the rest of our crew because no one has the courage to thrash him. Uh… because we are professionals? But I, for one, was approaching that line.

He finally walks away for half an hour, comes back in better humor, and apologizes. I accept his apology. Then he just stands there. Waiting expectantly. For what? Me to apologize.

No sir. Your attitude is a problem. If the first 2 hours of your day are miserable, it is your responsibility to wake up earlier and get it out of your system before work hours. Stuff your hissy fit up your ass. Call your mom, maybe, because no one else cares.

So he calls the big boss. Who promptly fires him, chews my ass for antagonizing the goober, and has a bad day of his own.

So. Am I the asshole? I am feeling slightly guilty, as the guy has kids and a mortgage just like me. But I also feel fine with it, as dude is a crybaby. Despite his warning about bad mornings, where does my duty to take shit and abuse off this asshole end?