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The original was posted on /r/newzealand by /u/waddacrackup on 2023-08-26 00:01:34.

Not sure if many are aware of what was sent to operators of Kaitaia Airport a few days ago by far north holdings detailing the intent to close the Aerodrome and surrounding airspace from the 3rd of September due to an impending occupation and protest by local iwi groups.

Kaitaia airport provides an important link to the people of the far north, especially with degrading road infrastructure connecting the region, to the rest of New Zealand. There are regular scheduled services operating out of Kaitaia Airport to Auckland by Barrier Air, Air Ambulance flights, training flights etc.

So far the occupation does not seem to have made it to the media other than a small segment last month that covered the topic. I suspect with the impeding election it could be an issue that political parties do not want discussed.

See below the message from Far North Holdings: ……….

Greetings, Operators of Kaitaia Airport.

As you will be aware Far North Holdings Limited (FNHL) is engaged by the Far North District Council (FNDC) as the airport manager for the Kaitaia Airport. FNHL has held that role for many years and remains the point of contact for all airport operational matters.

We have received a communication informing a planned protest and occupation at Kaitaia Airport on 4th September 2023.

Since the occupation intentions came to light, we have commenced planning to ensure compliance of airport operations with regulations including the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and CAA rules & regulations. This has included communication with the New Zealand Police, CAA, and third-party aviation advisors.

Through our safety risk assessment of the planned occupation, we have determined the necessary course of action to maintain compliance is to close the aerodrome from 3:00pm 3rd September 2023 until further notice. The airport will be closed via NOTAM reading: AD CLSD. FUEL N/A. AC PARKING N/A and the CAA has been requested to close the low-level airspace in the immediate vicinity.

Our risk assessment is subject to frequent review, considering matters as they develop.

We will issue further communications leading up to 3rd September 2023 either confirming the NOTAM as set out above or any significant changes to the safety assessment.

End of message ……….

The reason for the aerodrome closure? If airport runways and taxiways have local iwi occupying them it’s obviously a safety risk to them and aircraft.

These ‘protestors’ are announcing their intention to break the law and have already done so while threatening the airport manager, asking them to vacate their property on airport land. This occupation is essentially a terrorist attack on airport infrastructure. I would expect the police to have the same response as if Auckland airport was threatened in a similar way.

The reason for the occupation is a land dispute between the crown and Iwi.

No group whatever your background has the right to put other people at risk during your ‘protests’ and still expect special treatment. Let’s hope for the swift removal of protestors and minimal disruption to what is a vital air transport link to the region.