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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/helen_of_oy on 2023-08-30 22:19:47.

My husband and I have been looking for a new home. I reached out to a friend of mine from childhood to be our real estate agent. She sells a lot of homes and I thought she’d treat us right.

We found a place we loved and made an offer. After a brief bidding war, our bid was accepted. We signed a contract for the deal to move forward.

Right after we signed the contract, our realtor told us we needed to schedule the home inspection. Fine with us. She told us the company we should use, but we have a guy our family and friends who do lots of real estate deals recommend highly. We told her we were selecting him. She freaked out.

She told us he is very difficult to work with. She said he “brings a lunchbox and stays all day and finds every little thing wrong with the home.”

Isn’t that the point?

She told us the sellers’ agent would not approve of our guy and that the sellers would likely refuse him too. She advised us strongly against him and to go with her people or find someone else. We said no.

Well, guess what? The sellers and their agent rejected our choice. Our realtor sent us a termination document to sign and we did so right away. It felt shady, like they were trying to hide something that was wrong with the house, which is close to 50 years old.

Later that day, my realtor “friend” texted my husband and me, telling us that what we chose to do didn’t sit right with her and she is no longer willing to be our realtor. Which is fine with us, as we no longer trust her. She was the listing agent on the house our sellers had just bought and we felt like maybe she was working in their best interest instead of ours (they have a lot more money than us). I just feel weird about her suggesting we did something wrong.

AITA for not going with the home inspection company she suggested?

EDIT: I showed this post to my husband and he reminded me of something I left out…

We told our agent after we signed the contract we wanted the inspector our friends and family recommended. She said the sellers’ agent was “going to fucking kill” her and that he would not be okay with this. She said we should really use the company she was suggesting or at least find a different person than the guy of our choice. We said we would try to find someone else.

The next day, before we could pick a different person, we both received an email from her confirming the date and time of our home inspection with the company she wanted us to use. She had gone ahead and scheduled it for us.

At this point, my husband wrote to her and said we already told her no regarding that company and now we want to use the guy we originally wanted.

It was after this that she sent us the termination document.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Nta. How does a realtor work in your country? I’ve not seen something like that. But it’s very very very standard here to pick your own inspection people or someone your conveyancer/lawyer/solicitor uses. You never ever go the one the seller or their agent wants. For obvious conflict of interest.

    The guy would literally have to be soooooo bad, they’d drop a house sale to not spend one day with the guy. Seems crazy to me with that amount of money involved that the seller can’t spend one day giving access to the place.

    Maybe the guy is well known to find major issues. And once the agent is told the issues exist they then have to be transparent about it. So they just don’t want to know.