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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/throwa331 on 2023-08-31 13:18:00.

My sister and her ex husband are annoying. They were terrible for each other but had a kid before splitting. He’s 19 now and in a tough spot.

He didn’t go to college for reasons and he couldn’t hold down a job because he was high 90% of the time. He was homeless for months too.

I was a bit wary about having him move in with me but I gave him a chance. My boyfriend told me to get him tested for a couple things and well he has bipolar (he allowed me to share).

Now he wanted to tell his parents. I told him to sit on it for a bit but he approached me recently saying his parents deserved to know. Through some miracle, I got them to agree to meet together (nephew’s request) but it started bad.

They were fighting, ex BIL was clearly high on something, and my sister brought her 17yo step daughter along. Eventually, my nephew told them what’s up.

His step sister went “oh like Ian Gallagher?” My ex BIL asked who that was and when she explained he got mad and said “are you gay too?”

My sister later asked if it’s genetic to which my nephew said “idk sometimes” to which my step niece said “yeah you probably got it from your father” which pissed ex BIL off and started another fight between him and my sister with both insisting it’s the other’s “fault”. Step niece thought it was funny but my nephew was on the verge of tears so I told them to shut up but the damage was done and ex BIL left angrily.

Step niece decided she still had more to say and said “see this proved it” to which I snapped and told her to please keep her mouth shut. She got upset and my sister did too. She was all like “what? Did she say something wrong?” I told her idgaf if she was wrong or right, she should’ve kept her mouth SHUT. Hell she wasn’t even supposed to be here. My nephew was crying at this point so we got up to leave but my sister wasn’t done and said that I am not allowed to talk to her daughter like that and that her daughter is allowed to say whatever she wants about how fucked up this whole thing is.

I admit this was low but I said “yeah to hell with your actual kid right? god forbid your STEP daughter is told to stay out of shit that doesn’t concern her but when your ACTUAL son tries to tell you about an important thing in his life you decide fighting with your ex is more important.”

She called me a bitch and said her step daughter is her kid as much as her son is and I’m disgusting for insisting on their lack of biological relation. I don’t really feel bad because she wasn’t even supposed to be there and was saying such unnecessary things but she’s only 17 and she’s not the bad guy here. AITA for snapping at my step niece?