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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/Frosty-Influence988 on 2023-08-30 23:16:07.
As the title says, I am looking for a FOSS Android Journal to journal my activities.
Here are some things which is a must for me:
- Local Database or option for local database (no self host/remote server host mandatory) but a local database only is preferable.
- Strong Encryption and decryption mechanism that can leverage my phone’s fingerprint scanner.
- Easily exportable database and easily importable database.
- Markdown.
- No unnecessary permissions.
Here are some things which would be really nice to have, but I can live without them:
- Ability to attach files alongside your notes.
- Dark Mode
- Inbuilt video player (if say a video is attached to a note, then it would be good if I can play it within the app instead of downloading it and then playing it).
I require this app for my phone only, and do not care about cross platform compatibility.
Thank you for your recommendations.
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