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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/Frosty-Influence988 on 2023-08-30 23:16:07.

As the title says, I am looking for a FOSS Android Journal to journal my activities.

Here are some things which is a must for me:

  1. Local Database or option for local database (no self host/remote server host mandatory) but a local database only is preferable.
  2. Strong Encryption and decryption mechanism that can leverage my phone’s fingerprint scanner.
  3. Easily exportable database and easily importable database.
  4. Markdown.
  5. No unnecessary permissions.

Here are some things which would be really nice to have, but I can live without them:

  1. Ability to attach files alongside your notes.
  2. Dark Mode
  3. Inbuilt video player (if say a video is attached to a note, then it would be good if I can play it within the app instead of downloading it and then playing it).


I require this app for my phone only, and do not care about cross platform compatibility.

Thank you for your recommendations.