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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/throwRA937483 on 2023-08-31 16:33:36.

My (30F) BIL is a few years older than my husband (33M). BIL purchased a cable company last year - he rents out canoes for the river rides and also has campgrounds along the river that he manages. Since the purchase, he’s been constantly asking us for help. And not a one time favor, like he’s in a bind: he wants us to drive down there and clean the cobwebs, do landscaping, and manage the rentals for free. We’ve basically just avoided it, and are getting lots of snide comments from him, his fiancé, and my in laws all the time.

This summer, we had our first daughter’s christening (she’s 6 months). We had the reception for it in our backyard and initially wanted it to be small but it kind of ended up turning into my husband’s family reunion. I will say his family doesn’t help us with much (they’re super stingy so we always pay, they never helped us move back when we were broke in our young 20s, weren’t around when our daughter was born, etc.) but they did show up the morning of to help set up, which was nice. BIL and his wife probably spent 3 hours setting up and he did help grill during the party.

Now, BIL has asked us to come work again since they have a big fall event weekend. He wants us to stay for the weekend and says I can manage the rentals with my daughter (paperwork and payment) and my husband can help him get everything ready for winter. My husband said he wasn’t sure that would work, and my BIL reminded him how he helped with the christening (which he’s also been bragging about to family members - we keep hearing about how “he grilled over 200 burgers!” From cousins). He got a little angry and said family helps family and our act is getting real old.

In the 10 years of knowing my husband, that’s the only time they’ve ever helped us. And we would happily set up for an event, but honestly don’t want to work two twelve hour days. He can’t see the difference so we kind of avoid it in general. My MIL called to say she was disappointed as well. AITA for not wanting to work?