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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Potential_QueerGhost on 2023-09-01 15:19:31.

I(30M) am getting married to my fiance(30M) in a couple months, I’ve told others about when the wedding is and almost everyone had a normal reaction. Almost. When I told my mom, she got upset.

My mom has always been weird with me, almost as if she was obsessed with me. It’s always weirded me out.

After telling my mom, she ghosted me. After days of ignoring me, she finally contacted me and asked me to come over. She told me she had finally found an outfit she’d like to wear and that I should come over to discuss over dinner; the weddings theme is white and blue. The guests were supposed to wear blue and that’s what I asked my mom to choose a colored outfit for.

When I asked her to show me the outfit, I was shocked to see her in a long white dress. She said that the dress was perfect for the wedding and that since there wasn’t a bride, the parents should wear white. I only have my mom and my husband doesn’t have his parents, only his grandparents. I told her that dispite there being no bride, it was still weird for her to wear white. She called me an a-hole, said that I was overreacting and that I was being dramatic. I told her that she won’t wear it and that she wouldn’t be allowed in the wedding if she wore white.

She’s now mad at me and not talking to me, this is just a short version of everything that happened.

I may be overreacting, but am I in the wrong?