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The original was posted on /r/menslib by /u/macrofinite on 2023-09-01 17:24:38.

Maybe I just missed them, but I’ve never seen anyone share an FD video on here. The YouTube algorithm finally introduced me to him a few weeks back, and I’ve been sad that this incredible voice has been languishing in relative obscurity. His channel focuses a lot on media from a black male perspective, but he talks a lot about masculinity as it relates to each topic.

One particularly excellent video is his anime analysis, currently called “Anime fans deserve better than Eren Yeager” -

He spends a lot of time analyzing why anime appeals to so many young men, and what that means about modern masculinity. It’s well worth a watch.

He has a number of videos on various hip hop figures which I really appreciated. Especially his 2-parter on Kanye, which helped me understand the tragedy of Kanye’s story in the context of his more recent actions.

As a white dude, I really enjoy hearing a black perspective. The experience he describes of masculinity is a more extreme version of a lot of things I’m dealing with too. I think that intersectionality lends some clarity that allows him to articulate things I’ve thought and felt but didn’t have the words for. It seems like his perspective is uniquely positioned to articulate the ways in which the privileges of patriarchy often harm men as human beings.

Anyway, please check his channel out, he has a lot of worthwhile insight.