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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/BookkeeperHot62 on 2023-09-01 18:53:36.

Pretty much the title. I , 45f, and my pregnant daughter, 23f, were discussing the upcoming baby. She asked me how hard breastfeeding was and I told her I never did… She asked why and I told her the only 2 people I knew who breastfed complained about it constantly and it didn’t seem worth the hassle, especially since her dad left me and I had to go to back to work 7 weeks after she was born, and I only got and extra week because week 6 was Christmas week. She was upset and accused me of hiding this from her , I said it never came up? So she’s all mad and has a call into to her doctor to see if she is at a disadvantage because of this, and I should have " disclosed the facts" before she got pregnant so she knew she was " malnourished". She was never malnourished! She hit all her landmarks in infancy, was very healthy. I think she is being ridiculous and she thinks I’m a total asshole. AITA?