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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Aquarius0215 on 2023-06-22 05:12:24+00:00.
I am freshly 18 yrs old female. My brother is 26 yrs old. Him and his fiancé (now wife) have been together for almost 4 -5 years and they obvi are about to get married. She is 1 year younger than him just for context. My brother popped the question she said yes and then the wedding preparations started, I was so excited because I don’t have any sisters only 2 brothers and I’m also the youngest. So my brother asked our half brother(30yr old) to be in his wedding and also his wife brother (16yr old) to be the best man and groomsmen. I just wanted to be the flower girl but they said I was too old… so instead the wife said you could be a bridesmaid. Which I was really excited for , just for context before the wedding we got along good and I kinda liked her, she was pretty nice to me just didn’t really talk to me. So me, my mom and the wife and her 2 other bridesmaid went to the dress shop to look for dresses. She said only requirements is that it has to be red and flowy. I by nature have body image problems so finding a dress to compliment by body was gonna be hard but i was gonna do my best to find one that I liked within her color scheme. We went to 3 different shops and each time we all went plus they added the wife’s mom. On the 3rd one I kept trying dresses on and simply kept trying to find one that fit me (also never being rude or giving up I just Nicely politely said I didn’t like it) I’m on like the 5th one when all of a sudden the bride starts screaming at me saying “ why are you trying to ruin my wedding, what’s wrong with you…. Ect…… “ I start crying and then HER MOM starts screaming at me saying why would you make my daughter cry and etc…. My mom goes outside to talk to them and then the bride cusses my mom out and her mom cussed her out…… then I find out later they did not want me in the wedding to begin with, they invited me in because they both wanted their brothers to be in it but not me… so AITA for “ruining her wedding”