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The original was posted on /r/unraid by /u/No-Vacation2377 on 2023-09-01 23:07:30.


I have a 4x4TB Server i’ve had for years now. This gives me 12TB of storage. It’s approx 75% full so i’ve been looking at options for expanding. I only have 6 sata slots all used (4HDD, 2SSD in raid)

However all of them involve buying minimum 2 large drives to only get the capacity of one due to parity.

My server breakdown is probably something like:

500GB photos

1TB Backups

1TB of documents/data.

Some other misc.

But the majority of my data is pirated films using the arrrrrr dockers.

I’ve thought about moving all my films/tv to a non-protected unassigned device that radarr/sonarr/plex can access outside of the array. I can then stick a large single HDD in for film/tv. I have a multigigabit connection so worst case the drive fails and I redownload loads of tv and films again?

Is unassigned devices robust enough to function well with these dockers?