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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Puzzleheaded-Ear9596 on 2023-09-02 16:45:05.

I (25M) have been with my boyfriend Liam (28M) for two years. Generally, we‘re in a very happy relationship and we barely ever disagree on important matters, meaning that in those two years, I can‘t remember even one significant fight.

That was until a few days ago. I barely even remember what it was that we were arguing about, but it escalated and at one point, we were both speaking with raised voices, not quite screaming but close enough.

The one thing I remember very clearly is how he told me to “get out before he did something he‘d regret”. I don‘t think he was genuinely going to hurt me, but in that moment, those words did something to me and I just grabbed my phone and took off.

I called my best friend Daisy (26F), who was kind enough to come pick me up and took me to her flat. She told me that maybe spending the night away from each other wasn‘t the worst idea to give both of us time to think about what had happened and advised me to not make any decisions in the heat of the moment.

I texted Liam to please not worry, that I was safe with Daisy and would be spending the night at her‘s. I asked him to please give me some time to think, but said that I‘d be ready to talk the next day and that I loved him. I turned off my phone without waiting for an answer and the rest of the night was relatively uneventful with me nodding off on the couch at some point.

The next morning, I woke up and turned on my phone to be faced with missed calls and messages from Liam, his best friend (29M) and his brother (26M).

Apparently after my message, he had taken off after me and had run a red light, resulting him to collide with another car. Luckily, both my boyfriend and the other driver got away with concussions and a few bruises.

After I had read those messages, Daisy took me to the hospital and I went to check on Liam who was doing alright considering the circumstances. We had a bit of (admittedly tense) smalltalk and then, seemingly out of the blue, he told me that none of this would‘ve happened if I had just acted like an adult. Let‘s say our conversation didn’t get less tense from this point on.

Daisy tried to tell me that it wasn‘t my fault as I couldn’t have known he was going to follow me, and Liam’s brother agreed with her and tried to console me. It‘s my boyfriend and his best friend who have been telling me that “running away” was an AH move and that I was immature for turning off my phone and “blocking him out”, causing him to go after me and get into the accident.

edit: spelling