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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Ok-Preparation5137 on 2023-09-02 20:03:37.

Throwaway account on mobile.

I’ll try to keep this short and sweet.

My (32F) fiancé’ (37M) and I are getting married in 1 month. We have been togehter 7 years, living together 6 years. We are having a small wedding, sometimes called a mico-wedding, we’ve only 25 guests.

My fiancé’s best man (call him H) is staying with us for 3 nights over the wedding period as he is flying over from USA to attend the wedding (9 hour flight).

The wedding isn’t a late night party and will probably be wrapped up by 8-9pm. I would like us to stay in a nice hotel on our wedding night, after the busy day it would be nice to have the night together as newlyweds and enjoy a luxury hotel room with champagne and what not. My partner feels that we should just come home along with H after the wedding and stay at home with him being in the guest bedroom. I’ve tried for a few weeks now to get my feelings across that I am not OK with a guest staying in our home on our wedding night. I would much rather prefer he stays in a hotel and we come home alone, or we stay in a hotel and he can have the house to himself!

We aren’t going on an immediate honeymoon. The day after the wedding my partner plans on being up and ready to go out at 7am to show H the city we live in and go to tourist spots etc. I’m also not keen on such an early start the day after my wedding and would rather take it easy and relax.

When I bring this issue up my partner calls me selfish, ungrateful and calls me an AH. He says I should just ‘get over myself’ and accept that this is the way things are. H is travelling such a long distance to attend and the least we can do is put him up in our house for a few nights. Fine with me, just not on our wedding night!?

AITA here?