This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/starcraft by /u/Drekkonis on 2023-09-03 04:25:27.
Hey Everyone!
Are you ready to challenge the best bots in StarCraft 2? Setup and play against 6 of the top ProBots, newly upgraded from last season. Test your might and prove if humans are still dominate in this game or are we all ready to be replaced by ChatGPT ;)
We want to see how they measure up against members of the community of different leagues. So don’t worry if you’re bronze. They aren’t Alphastar but if you sleep on them they’ll make you sweat.
Instructions on how to play against the ProBots and submit the replays
We’ll cast some of the most interesting games at the Grand Finals on Sat Sept 9th (also upload all the replays, especially the games you lose. The bots know ;) )