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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Capn_Frogger on 2023-09-04 01:07:55.

Five years ago, when I was in high school, I got a job as a kennel technician at a pet store. when I got the job, I was told to go get a few pairs of scrubs, and that I need to wear scrubs to work every day. I helped people out around the store just like all of the other employees, but my main job was to help the vet take care of the puppies. Obviously, the vet did the heavy lifting and I was just there to assist. I don’t know for sure why I was required to wear scrubs when the most medical thing I did was give the dogs their medicine, and I’m pretty sure it was just so the kennel techs looked professional (the owner was a bit pretentious and was always concerned with appearing professional).

Three years ago when I started college, I had to quit my job at the pet store. I was determined to pay my way through college and not take out any student loans, and as much as I loved that job, it did not pay very well. When I quit, I got rid of all of the shirt scrubs, but I kept the pants because as it turns out, nurses have been holding out on us, and scrubs are really comfortable. I treat them like sweatpants. They are comfortable and just something for me to wear around the house on my day off, but I would never go out in public wearing them.

Fast forward to two days ago, when I went out to go check the mail while wearing some of my old scrubs without thinking about it. Our neighbor who lives in front of the mailboxes was out watering her garden and she perked up when she saw me. She she got all excited and told me about how her daughter was a nurse, and how she knew I was in college but she didn’t know I was going to college to be a nurse. So I of course cut her off and said oh I’m actually in college getting a degree in history and I go on to explain why I had the scrubs and all that. To say she was mad about me wearing scrubs would be an understatement. She compared it to stolen valor, when people dress up like veterans and first responders when they aren’t. She went on and on about how hard her daughter worked to become a nurse, and that nurses “have earned the right to wear scrubs.” I was honestly a little baffled, because I wasn’t trying to pretend to be a nurse, and now, one of my neighbors who I barely know is lecturing me in the middle of our neighborhood.

She posted on Facebook that afternoon that she saw someone out in public wearing scrubs, and that when she talked to them it turned out they weren’t even a nurse. It was very clear that she was talking about me, but I do appreciate that she said it was a stranger at a grocery store since she is friends with a lot of the people in our neighborhood. I didn’t even consider that I could be in the wrong until I saw how everyone who was commenting on her post was agreeing with her. So am I the asshole?