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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Previous-Counter-573 on 2023-09-05 09:43:30.

My husband (30M) and I (30F) have been together for almost 2 years, married for 10 months.

His parents had recently visited us for the first time and I went above and beyond to make them feel comfortable and welcome. MIL was extremely happy when they left, FIL shed a few tears since this was completely in contrast to how they’ve been treated at elder BIL’s home all these years. Even though I disagreed with my husband, I didn’t argue or talk back in front of his parents. I’d wake up well before breakfast, lunch and dinner and serve and eat after everyone’s finished. I even took up cleaning so he can spend more time with his parents.

2 months later, my mom’s visiting. While overall he’s been nice, engaging and sweet, I still am doing all of the above. Last night, he was on Instagram but I ended up serving dinner and cleaning. He slept off early and while I was awake till 2 am since mom wanted to watch a movie, I woke up early to make breakfast. He woke up late, didn’t ask my mom if she’s even eaten and overall didn’t bother.

I was fuming, so when he said something about not waking him up for his gym, I retorted saying— “We’re all responsible adults and since my mom’s here I want to spend time with her instead.” It was more of a taunt.

He didn’t eat his breakfast, went in the room and closed the door saying he has work. My mom’s asked me twice if he’s upset. He’s not come out of his room, it’s been 3 hours.

Edit 1: Re-read and removed “AITA for asking him to wake up early when my mom’s visiting?” Since I was too angry while typing. The question is— “AITA for expecting my husband to treat my mom the same way he does when his parents are around?”

Edit 2: We split our chores quite well and rarely argue over it. The point is not chores; it’s empathy. When his parents were around I wouldn’t even dream of sleeping in till late, throwing a tantrum by locking myself in a room and not extending them the basic courtesy of asking if they had food. I wouldn’t dream of having an argument or snapping at him the way he’s doing when my family’s around. Moreover, I do not like airing our dirty laundry in front of family/friends visiting us for a few days.

I’m currently on a sabbatical and he has work from home.