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The original was posted on /r/xreal by /u/Stridyr on 2023-09-05 17:43:04.

The term “Jail breaking” has a specific meaning that is not met here but the term has been causing some issues. It was chosen for a lack of a better one, not because it was entirely accurate.

By request, please refer to our work as “Pre-dev” efforts as this is much closer to what is going on and has no nefarious implications.

Xreal is working on a mode tentatively called ‘dev mode’ but it looks like it will be capable of much more than just side loading apps, like possibly changing resolutions and the like (wildly guessing here). This appears to be one of the reasons why the ‘pre-dev’ mode keeps getting broken: they are parallel efforts with no communication, it’s not surprising that our toes keep getting stepped on.

So what we are doing is likely helping (I hope) but does not encompass the totality of ‘dev-mode’, hence the newly coined phrase: ‘pre-dev mode’.

Please start using it.

There’s no guarantee but it is my hope that it will make communication about our efforts easier.

Thank you!