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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Future-Ad-4753 on 2023-09-06 11:52:40.

A few weeks ago one of my friends decided that she wanted to have a final get together for summer.

She created a Facebook page for the party and made me an admin on page.

She told me that if there was anyone I wanted to invite that she had forgotten to go ahead and add them to the guest list.

So I’m going through the guest list to see who she’s already invited and everything was looking good until I came across one name.

For the sake of this story we’re going to call this girl Ashley B.

This girl is a notorious drama queen and half the people invited to this party have had legitimate issues with her because of her telling lies THAT SHE KNEW FULL WELL WEREN’T TRUE WHEN SHE TOLD THEM.

I private messaged my friend and asked her why the hell she would invite her to the party knowing the amount of problems she had caused in the past.

She said that she thought I was overstating it and that she didn’t want to be rude by not inviting her as she knew it would get back to her that we were having a get together.

I told her that if she was there it was most certainly going to cause problems and that it would probably be best if we just removed her from the invite.

She didn’t want to be rude so she wouldn’t do it but I had no problem being the villain of the story and went ahead and removed her from the page.

Well apparently she had gotten the invite already because the day of the party not only did she show up but she was the first person there, even before me.

Upon getting to the party and realizing that she was there I literally turned around and walked out out of frustration and headed back to my truck.

As I was getting ready to leave another pair of our mutual friends rolled up and jokingly asked if I was calling it quits already.

I took a moment and then I turned to them and said that yes, yes I was and to have a good evening.

When they asked me why I was leaving I told them it was because Ashley was here.

It took them a moment and then they asked

“You don’t mean Ashley B do you?”

To which I responded yes, that’s exactly who I mean.

And with that they got back in their car and apparently left

I left and that was the last I had heard of it from that night but apparently the word spread rather quickly because when it was all said and done only about five out of two dozen people invited showed up and from what I understand it was directly related to her being there.

My friend that threw the party is angry with me and telling me that it’s my fault and that


I told her that I would love to know how my choosing to leave and literally only speaking to two people that were going to attend made it my fault.

I told her that from what I had heard the reason it fell apart was because she insisted on inviting Ashley B, so if anybody was to blame that it was her for inviting her in the first place.

She is still on this and wants me to apologize, but I flat out told her I was not going to apologize for something that was not my fault.