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The original was posted on /r/poland by /u/SabertoothSmile on 2023-09-06 13:52:34.

Hey everyone, firstly - sorry if this topic has been done to death.

I am English, and my girlfriend is Polish. Along with our son, we are currently visiting and staying with my girlfriend’s Babcia and enjoying some time in Poland as our summer holiday this year.

I like it here, it’s a small town, time moves slow and it feels very relaxed if not somewhat left in the past (I mean this in a good way, mostly). But anyway that’s not what this post is about…

Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed things that I just wanted a broader opinion on as I am starting to wonder if it’s because of my nationality or something else?

Almost everyone here seems kind of miserable? I can’t put my finger on it haha

Passing people in the street I notice they sometimes stare at me / my family and if I was to smile at them it is rarely reciprocated. Like they are almost looking at me like “Why are you smiling at me?”

People in shops seem to have no problems barging past or shunting to reach over you or get ahead in a que. And the staff in my experience are so rude - it’s like I am ruining their day just by being in the shop and making them scan my stuff.

Now admittedly my polish isn’t great and I have nothing but respect and sympathy for any Poles that have learned to speak English - I personally find our languages to be almost polar opposites in terms of sounds and it always sounds so fast to me haha - however when I try to speak to people in the native tongue, they either don’t react or seem almost annoyed by me? A woman working at the meat counter of a local shop even sighed when I spoke to her in Polish and didn’t respond!

I’ve noticed they aren’t really like this with my partner or son as much, although my girlfriend insists some people have been equally rude or cold with her. Her Babcia is lovely and warm, as are any immediate family and even some neighbours, but I can’t help but wonder if people don’t like me because they hear me speaking English or something?

I don’t know how to describe what I mean, it’s just a feeling I get or a vibe. Maybe it’s just a cultural thing.

Anyway, this wasn’t meant to cause offense to anyone - I am just looking for some opinions. Are English people looked down on or disliked by Poles?

(And yes I am more than aware that we wouldn’t be winning any popularity contests around the world haha)