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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Last-Crab-621 on 2023-09-06 15:56:00.

AITA for refusing to participate in “my” (35m) birthday lunch at work? My office is small, 9 people total, and every other employee gets their own lunch except for me and “Francis”(39m) who shares my exact birthday, are forced to share a birthday outing each year. This means that each year everyone else gets to choose their favorite restaurants while each year I have to settle for some mediocre bullshit because he has the taste buds of a petulant toddler and acts like one when we go out too. Seriously, its embarrassing to be in a restaurant with him. He has an attitude with servers and we all place bets to see how fast he sends back his food or complains and tries to gets his meal comped.

When i voiced my wishes to not participate any longer in my own birthday, but would still be willing to pitch in for Francis’ meal, everyone is acting like I’m the asshole. I tried to explain that if our birthdays had been even one week apart, nobody would bat an eye, and that we don’t even do the lunch on our actual birthday, but nobody seems to care. They say I should just go along and compromise. So, AITA?

Edit 1: two other employees, the supervisor and an co-worker have a birthday 4 days apart and they each get their own lunches. My argument is that why should we be any different?