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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/theghost1778 on 2023-09-07 00:27:34.

I (20F) am currently 5 months pregnant with my first child. My child was not planned but i love her so much already and can’t wait to meet her. The father (21M) of my child is Australian and I am Mexican. At first our ethnicity was not something we worried about because we loved each other for who we were. But now as my due date is coming near our families are making plans on where my child will be born at.

This didn’t bother us until my family became convinced that I will be having my child in the United States so she had her papers. I know you’re asking yourself why that is a problem when there are millions who want to have papers.

My husband and I are currently residing in Boseong, South Korea and have been for two years. This is our home and we want it to be our child’s home too.

My family hates that.

You see my family consists of immigrants, aliens, who were born in Mexico but came to the United States to have a better life. My mother worked so hard to get papers for herself and for my older siblings. Fortunately I was born in the US. So when I told them I would be giving birth in Korea they got mad at me. They called me selfish for thinking about myself instead of my child’s future. They told me I’m purposely making her life harder than it should be, which is not something i want to do.

My sister then told me that I did not understand the struggle of being an immigrant, which is far from truth because I am an immigrant in Korea. Though I entered legally I am still considered as such by the Korean government.

They have stopped talking to me and told me that the only way they’ll continue to be family is if I go to the U.S and give birth there. Also another reason why I want to have my child in Korea is because my doctor told me traveling by plane can make me more at risk at losing my child. I’ve told my family that but they don’t care. They want my child to be born in the states. My husbands family has been really supportive of our decision and are planning on coming to Korea when the baby is born.