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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/summercampdrama on 2023-09-07 03:48:27.

Hi everyone! Throwaway account!

I (20F) am wrapping up working at a summer camp this week.

We have a giant pile of woodchips. On the second to last day, one of the girls at the camp (6F) jumped straight into the pile right as camp was ending. She got lots of splinters and then started crying. Her mom showed up to get her and my coworkers and I explained the situation. Her jaw dropped as she stood there yelling at my other coworker Margaret (21F) who was busy doing first aid as the girl sat in a chair.

She then turned to the other coworkers and yelled “That’s an open invitation for a kid!” We told her that first of all, we didn’t put it there, and second, her daughter is the first kid we’ve ever had jump full body into the pile of woodchips. She then stands there mortified and continues screaming that it’s an open invitation. I retorted back “well it’s not our fault your kid wasn’t using her brain.”

The mom got furious, grabbed her daughter and left. I went to my boss and my boss told me it was nothing to worry about.