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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/throwaway57702 on 2023-09-06 14:02:19.

Someone in my life has started transitioning (almost a year in and has recently started diying hrt), she has told me that although she does admittedly still have some issues she feels much happier now and like she has an identity and is taking care of herself more.

I could just accept this and be fine with it but her life just seems to contradict it so much. She has started abusing drugs, smoking and drinking when this was not the case before transitioning. Her personality in general is just unrecognizable, not in a way that it is more feminine but it is just clear how depressed she is. She is so irritable and doesn’t seem herself at all. She has started hanging around with a group of older trans women so maybe our friends are just too immature for her but she was always happy hanging out with us before so it just seems off.

Did anyone here insist they were happy and making the right choice even though they were in a worse place than before? Thanks