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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/pinkfluffyunicorn92 on 2023-09-07 11:55:29.

So I (30f) have a nasty purple bruise on my underarm. It’s not super big, but very colorful. Idk where I came from, my best guess is ran into the doorknob.

The other day I had coffee with friends M & S and M(36f) asked me what happened to my arm. I stated the above. S(34f) looked at it & the following convo went down:

S: „You should photograph it & collect it as evidence.“

Me: „Evidence for what? Being clumsy?“

S: „No, in case you & hubs ever divorce.“

Me: „What do you mean? He didn’t do anything, I’m not even sure what that bruise is from?“

S: „I know, but you still need to protect yourself just in case he ever leaves you.“

M: „what are you even talking about?“

S went on to explain that she has a folder on her phone where she saves picture of every bruise & injury she and her kids (10m & 7m) have had during her marriage, so she could put together a domestic violence case against her husband, should they ever split up & he’d try to take the kids from her or fight her for alimony. I asked her if any of these injuries where ever caused by him, & she said no. She confirmed that he never laid a hand on her or the kids, this was simply her „insurance“.

I admittedly lost it a little bit on her & told her that’s borderline psycho, that stuff like this immensely hurt the actual victims of DV & that I find her line of thinking frankly disgusting. M agreed with me & said that in no way okay. She became defensive & said she didn’t plan on ever using it, it was just insurance & I would be glad to have it when my husband leaves me for a younger, hotter girl. At that point I just called her delusional & to get help. I paid for my coffee & went home.

After thinking it through & talking to my hubs about it, I decided to notify S‘s husband about our talk. I thought he had a right to know & to protect himself. He was baffled, but thanked me for telling him. I didn’t hear anything about it for a couple days, but yesterday S started blowing up my phone, claiming I ruined her marriage, calling me a spiteful, jealous b!tch & that I want to f*ck her husband & destroy her family. I hung up & blocked her number, but she then blew up hubs phone, telling him I’m having on affair with her husband. He told her to F off. Apparently her husband went through her iCloud & found the folder & also evidence of her cheating on him. He confronted her & all hell broke loose, he is leaving her.

I personally don’t think I did anything wrong, but M said while what S was doing was crazy, I broke girl code by telling her husband since it was none of my business & I could’ve just told him should it ever have come to a divorce & she’d try to use it . Because since S had been a sahm for the last 10 years & he financed their whole life, she is left with nothing.

So did I do something wrong?