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The original was posted on /r/poland by /u/mellyse on 2023-09-07 10:50:46.

Hey all!

Allow me to phrase my question somehow better:

If I already have a job, and about 1 year of experience is it worth finishing my master’s degree? Especially if I work in a corporation? Do polish based companies value this a lot ?

I don’t know if I should finish my master’s at WSB (just got in so I could get some sort of paper but now I realise i’m paying way more than what the education is worth) or switch to a better uni like Warsaw Uni or Jagiellonian uni, and start over? I don’t need it for work permit I am from another european country, planning to stay in Poland as long as is possible

Will it make a a huge difference in my CV or will they mostly look at my xp?

PS: I saw Mckinsey in Poland requires a master but I am not interested in those kind of companies

thanks a lot guys