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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/Ill_Pangolin7384 on 2023-09-07 21:41:28.

I want to know what everyone’s reinfection protocol is. Here’s mine (potentially reinfected right now):


Nasal Cleanse (every 3-4 hours)

  • Nasal saline rinse
  • Hydrogen Peroxide wipe down of nostrils, nasal passages, gargle
  • Betadine/Carregeenan nostril spray
  • CPC mouthwash gargle x1 minute


  • 1280mg Omega 3
  • 1000mg Apolactoferrin
  • PEA400 (Palmitoylethanolamide) 400 mg—1200 mg for pain and discomfort, as needed
  • 10-20g L-Glutamine
  • 1-2 scoops Key Nutrients Electrolyte Powder, which contains per scoop:
  • 169mg Vitamin C
  • 3mg Thiaminn
  • 20mg Niacin
  • 300mcg Biotin
  • 5mg Pantothenic Acid
  • 110mg Calcium
  • 100mg Phosphorus
  • 100mg Magnesium
  • 2.9mg Zinc
  • 15mcg Selenium
  • 0.5mg Copper
  • 0.5mg Manganese
  • 35 mcg Chromium
  • 7.9mcg Molybdenum
  • 160mg Chloride
  • 110mg Sodium
  • 250mg Potassium


  • Trying to eat healthier but I’m exhausted. I’m eating a lot of rice dishes (curry rice stir fry with pineapple and cranberries, stuff like that)
  • Drinking a ton of water. Trying to drink 32 ounces x3 times a day
  • Chamomile tea with eucalyptus and lemon infused honey


  • Go back to sleep until noon if possible


  • Walk around apartment a few times to help mucus move/avoid pneumonia


Nasal Rinses

  • Same as Morning


  • 30-60mg CBD capsule
  • 1000 mg Vitamin C
  • 50 mcg Vitamin D
  • Another scoop of electrolytes if tired
  • 1-2 more scoops of L-Glutamine


  • Same as morning


  • Sleep until evening or as long as possible


  • Walk around every 2-3 hours to get mucous moving and avoid pneumonia


Nasal Rinses

  • Same as morning


  • Sometimes 1 last scoop Key Nutrients Electrolytes
  • A cup of salt water (I don’t know why this helps but it does)
  • 1.25mg Low Dose Naltrexone/LDN


  • Same as morning
  • 1 tablespoon/21g Manuka Honey 829 MGO


  • Same as morning


  • Same as afternoon

THINGS I HAVE ON HAND BUT HAVEN’T TAKEN YET I’m not sure these would help with acute infection, so let me know if you think they will. I have:

  • NAC 500mg supplement
  • Nattokinase 2000 FU supplement
  • Bromelain 500mg supplement
  • D-Ribose Powder
  • Creatine
  • Iron supplement 325mg elemental iron: I used to take this, but I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that viruses use free floating iron to assist in replication, so I stopped taking it for now and started the apolactoferrin instead

What does your infection protocol look like?