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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/AnxiousTargaryen on 2023-09-07 18:58:18.

Whenever I eat a meal I get this burning sensation and pain throughout the body, tremors/shivering in the muscles, tachycardia, coughing, severe fatigue where I can’t even open my eyes open for long to scroll phone. Severity of the Symptoms depends on the size of the meal. This happens for 3-4h, after that it slowly fades away.

Is this leaky gut? because when I take probiotics empty stomach then also I have bouts of coughing 2h after it. It feels like everything is leaking into blood and immune system is attacking it. I do 16-18h fasting now and I don’t feel these kind of symptoms in the fasted state in the morning for several hours. Everything goes to shit after I eat, thinking about giving up eating lol.

Recently had a severe bacterial infection in the gut, it went into blood and damaged the liver also. I had to take multiple rounds of antibiotics to get over it because immune system is shit now. All this is happening after it, but before this I also faced this burning sensation when I tried kefir. Have I had leaky gut since forever because I’ve always felt bad after eating since Feb 22 (also because I have dysautonomia) but it wasn’t this severe this year. Did antibiotics destroyed the gut lining? How to test for it? They say take glutamine for it but that also caused burning sensation yesterday. Taking probiotics also makes me feel worse because everything is leaking to the blood, it’s scary to get sepsis from probiotics lol.

What vitamins to take to fix gut? I know my microbiome is also fucked up because of multiple rounds of antibiotics every year since my first COVID, I was taking a specific strains of probiotics in July which was making me feel better now I can’t take that also now. My symptoms are moderate mecfs & Dysautonomia/POTS.

Kindly help how to figure out if it’s really leaky gut? How did you fix your gut? Is keto or a specific diet helpful?