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The original was posted on /r/poland by /u/macguffinstv on 2023-09-08 01:37:27.


Later today myself and my girlfriend will be driving from Wrocław airport to Piechowice near the mountains and Czech border. I got a rental with full insurance and roadside assistance just to be on the safe side. This will be my first time driving since coming here in June. I like to consider myself a good safe driver, but I have noticed a few things that stand out compared to American traffic laws.

One example, while driving with a friend I noticed that he stopped for a car that was looking to pull out from a road on the right. Is this a law? Is it only on roads that are not busier?

Of course, I know I need to stop for pedestrians and pay close attention to crossings as I have seen numerous videos just this week of people getting hit by crazy drivers.

What other things should I remember when driving that you can think of?

Thanks in advance, anything will be of help.