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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/redbullgay on 2023-09-09 16:16:02.

I’m not sure what else to do because no one at my work takes this seriously. Our fryer at work has boiled over on me 4 times, and I cannot figure out why. We fry precooked chicken wings, and it happened once while doing some thick cut frozen chips. It generally won’t happen right when I drop the food. I’m VERY careful about it, dropping it slowly, letting any excess moisture boil off, and watching it VERY CLOSELY. Despite this it happens sometimes out of nowhere, nothing in the fryer, and it explodes. The fryer has been at 325 and 300 on separate occasions. It is so violent when it happens, the oil will be mostly settled and then a huge spout of oil will come up out of nowhere. The fryer being higher than that causes the oil to be very reactive, making someone have to babysit the basket until the moisture boils off. I don’t know what to do. My management shrugs it off every time it happens. The only way to stop it is to turn it off, which is dangerous because the controls are behind a door and someone could get really hurt when doing that (thankfully that hasn’t happened.) What can I do. This can’t keep happening. I have borderline PTSD from this happening to me and I can barely stand doing anything with the fryer because I almost have an anxiety attack. I will take ANY advice, please.