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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/nitrotoiletdeodorant on 2023-09-09 10:39:39.

Hello, I hope “just curious” type of questions are okay. I’m a pre-T trans guy and I realized at some point I’m actually terribly dysphoric over how small, flat and limiting my external parts feel. I am so excited by the prospect of bottom growth. I’ve browsed both trans and detrans posts related to transition and realized that I relate strongly to trans but not detrans experiences when it comes to reasons for starting medical transition.

One topic I however pretty much never see discussed is how detrans women feel about bottom growth. Initially and then after T. And how did you even feel about your external bits before T? I’ve realized it’s definitely not normal to have your libido/sexuality be heavily affected by dysphoria (I know for sure I’m a very sexual person, but sometimes it’s suppressed pretty badly by how boring I feel down there).

It’s so wild to me that some people actually feel “whole” with junk like this and that it’s apparently a very common experience I just lack. Now I’m really curious about how people who actually like(d) their very small bits feel about them or would describe having them. Because it’s definitely something other than “flat, boring, too small & limiting”.

So if anyone’s comfortable sharing, describe how you felt about your external parts before T, when the growth started and after T?