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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/idkwhattodo556 on 2023-09-10 16:08:59.

when i was a freshmen in highschool i started identifying as non binary, i decided to go by a new name as well and towards the end of my freshmen year i was able to have most people, even teachers calling me by that name. my parents did not support me and the new name (i didnt come out to them they went through my phone). when i got to my sophomore year i decided to just go by she/they pronouns. i believe i was just trying to hold on. i soon decided that i would use she/her because i was a girl. i also decided to continue going by the “preferred name” because i convinced myself i still liked it and because it would be embarrassing and confusing to start going by my birth name again. it’s my junior year and i keep telling everyone to call me the preferred name, but I recently came across a tiktok talking about their “cringe” names when they were also non-binary in roughly the same time period. It made me realize how easy and simple it would be to just be called my birth name by everyone. but i don’t know what to do, everyone calls me by my preferred name (not my family) even some of my teachers. the name that i changed to is ash and i think it would be a fun stage name for when i get in a band bc i like to play w fire and stuff as a joke, but not as a real name. should i just continue this until i’m out of highschool? please give suggestions.