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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/cal_01 on 2023-09-11 02:37:07.

I have a pretty basic Faberware cleaver () and I noticed that I’m getting these micro-lacerations along the fleshy part of my gripping thumb. It’s usually not an issue because it’s only along the top part of my skin…

Today, I noticed that I started bleeding because I somehow split my thumb while handling the cleaver. Then I noticed that my grip was closer to a precision grip (think screwdriver) than a “tennis-like” grip.

The big question is if I’m gripping incorrectly because the cleaver handle is too small, or if I just need to retrain myself to handle this cleaver properly?

(For reference, I was trying to clean a half frozen fish and then chop it apart into fish steaks…)