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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Sufficient-Charity53 on 2023-09-11 08:38:07.

Hi, this has been playing on my mind a bit, and I’d just like some relatively unbiased opinions.

My older brother is getting married in December. Last minute thing, I’m very happy for him. My twin sister has just had her first baby, and as such is breastfeeding. Baby will still be 100% breastfed (if all goes to plan) by the time the wedding happens.

My brother and soon to be wife doesn’t want any kids under ten at the wedding, but the brides sisters infant is allowed to attend. We assumed my sister would be allowed, too, so didn’t really question it. The babies are the same age.

Last week my brother corrected us and said our nephew wasn’t invited. He didn’t specify past that for a bit, but later did reveal that its because they don’t want her breastfeeding and attracting attention.

My sister doesn’t think she can attend and so he said that was fine, they wouldn’t account for her. She got really upset (later blamed it on hormones, but she’s always looked up to him so I think it meant more to her that she’s saying). So, basically, she is no longer invited to the wedding.

I later on informed my brother that he could take me off the invited list, too, because I wouldn’t be attending without my sister and nephew. Word got out among our family and two younger siblings have also decided they aren’t going now.

Its created a bit of a situation as you can probably imagine.

Our brother is pissed as all hell. He’s calling me and telling me I’ve ruined his big day, begged me to speak to the younger two, asked me to attend, etc. I’ve always been firm in my no.

Our parents “stepped in” and are doing the whole “You need to support your brother,” Blah blah. No one, besides the three siblings who also aren’t attending, are on my side. I was thinking it was because my brother is just the favourite (oldest, golden child) but now I’m wondering if I was seriously out of line.

AITA? Was I a royal asshole or was it deserved?