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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/BrookieOU on 2023-09-11 06:14:31.
I have been trying to figure this out forever. I live in the Texas Gulf Coast and we used to have a big fishing tournament down here that was catered by Pappas Company (owners of Pappasitos, Pappadeuxs, Pappas Bros Steakhouse, etc). Anyway, the final meal of the week was always halibut that was topped with some sort of sauce, kind of. I think it was a thick Parmesan cream type sauce. It didn’t run all over the fish, but rather you could tell the top was broiled and when you cut into the fish it would just slowly ooze out. It was so delicious, but I can’t figure out how to replicate it. The tournament ended a few years ago and towards the end the changed caterers before I could ask questions. I’ve looked on their websites to see if they had a dish like that in their restaurants, but they don’t.
I’ve tried to replicate and find a recipe over the years, but can’t find anything even close or a way to do this technique. Any thoughts? I know there was no breading or breadcrumbs involved.