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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Meanolegrannylady on 2023-09-11 13:48:25.

Ok, shortest version possible. We have a grown daughter(33) who has been nonstop drama since teenagehood. At 15, she found a “gangster” boy from Long Beach, here in small town, Ohio. She and hoodrat have 5 kids together and of course, he leaves. So now she has raised these kids alone (with our help), which I’m actually proud of her for. Fast forward a few years, next boyfriend is a guy she knew a long time ago, who is in prison (of course). This goes on for about 4 years now, and he’s due to get out. Well, surprise, surprise, he’s picking fights and ready to end it with her. Meanwhile, she has moved into his house, next door to his mom, and she has to leave now. We told her not to when she moved in. So, homeless daughter a 5 grands (16f, 15m, 12f, 9f, 6m), are moving in with us. It’s going to be tight, but she’s my kid, ya know? Now to the issue… I have a 12 year old mastiff, this is his place. She has 2, one year old pit males. I told her no dogs to begin with, then conceded to building them a kennel in back of the garage, away from my dog’s area. She threw a total tantrum (which she does a lot) last night when she asked if they could come in to sleep with her upstairs at night! Well hell no they can’t! I don’t want them here at all, but I get it, you can’t throw away a dog, but now I feel like I gave an inch and she wants a mile! I’ll not let my grandbabies be homeless, but AITA for feeling like she’s not in a situation where she should argue? She put herself where she is, we advised against everything that got her here. We’re willing to help her, but I’m not endangering my old dog because she has nothing to do with hers. EDITED TO ADD: I feel like I need to add this, although she is batcrap crazy sometimes, my daughter has a full time job, pays her bills, takes good care of her kids, etc. The reason she has to come here is because the rentals in this area have skyrocketed, and she can’t afford anything big enough for all of them on a single earner income. I don’t even know how families with 2 incomes are doing it! So, she’s going to stay here long enough to save up a down payment to buy her own home. So she isn’t completely irresponsible, she just does dumb crap without thinking of the consequences a little too often.