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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Ok_Obligation979 on 2023-09-11 19:12:01.

Myself and my fiancé have been together just over 10 years. We met daisy and Dan 9 years ago, these guys were some of our best friends. We always hung out, playing nerdy games together, cooking dinner for each other etc. Hell I even helped Dan propose by finding out daisy’s ring size and helping him choose a ring. Dan was by far one of my favourite people, he understood my mental health issues as I understood his, we got each other into new hobbies and other things. I helped daisy get a job that she really wanted as well as other things.

This story starts in 2017, we got pregnant! It was a massive shock after being told for years I couldn’t have kids due to scar tissue around my cervix it would be a very low chance. When we told them, they were so happy for us. At the 6 month mark we asked them if they would like to be god parents, they were absolutely ecstatic! They accepted and everything was all good, they came to our baby shower and everything.

After having our little girl, we were out due to needing a doctor check up for my stitches and decided to stop past our local shop hangout where we would always go. After chatting with other friends (yes with the baby) Dan and daisy came in. They walked right past us, didn’t even acknowledge us at all. Literally spoke to everyone else but us. God that hurt. After they left, we left not long after. I went and got baby in the car while my partner used the toilet and I just broke down crying. I was willing to let it go because they could of had a bad day but a few weeks later I noticed they stopped coming up on my Facebook feed, they had deleted us. So I just didn’t bother because obviously something had changed. They never contacted us after.

It’s now been 6 years, I was in town earlier today and I bumped into them. While wearing/carrying our youngest. I exchanged pleasantries then they dropped the “what happened? Why did we stop talking? We’re friends right?” I looked them dead on the face and asked them what our kids names are? Where do we live now? What’s my phone number? Then said to them they haven’t even tried in 6 years to talk to us, add us back on Facebook or anything. I told them how much they hurt us and just plainly said “why are you asking me what happened to us when you outright dropped us? We haven’t been your friends in 6 years, why start now?” I was very calm, didn’t raise my voice and just left. I feel like a real bitch for doing that. My partner said I did the right thing. But some of our other friends said I should have heard them out.

Aita for how I acted?

(Extra info, they never wanted kids, we never pushed the god parents thing and asked them while we was at theirs just the 4 of us)

Edit to add my replies to comments- they spoke to me first, I didn’t see them till they called out my name and started the convo. And we tried keeping contact for a year after this incident, they left all messages on read and still never acknowledged our presence at the shop hangout, even when we spoke to them