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The original was posted on /r/homelab by /u/fauzool on 2023-07-03 01:50:58+00:00.

In the house that is being built all the terminating cat5 is in the laundry room upstairs these go to drops throughout the home. There is one conduit in there but I don’t know where It goes.

Basically how am I going to move this to the garage where my home lab servers will be? Or just leave this up there and put a switch and trunk it to a switch for server in the garage? What is the best route to do this this? (There is no drop in the garage unfortunately)

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    To move your network closet to the garage properly you would need to recable your entire house. Depends on how difficult that would be, it might be the best option because cat5 cable is fairly slow. Cat6 or cat6a world give you a significant speed and bandwidth boost.