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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Halfbonewet on 2023-09-12 19:33:59.

Hey Reddit, long-time lurker, first-time poster. I’m a 35F with two kids (8M and 6F). My husband (37M) and I have been married for 10 years. My mother-in-law (62F) has always been a bit of a handful, but recently she’s been downright rude to my kids, and I finally snapped. I need to know if I’m the asshole here.

So, my MIL comes over every other weekend to spend time with the family. Lately, she’s been making snide comments to my kids that I can’t ignore. For example, my son loves drawing and is really proud of his artwork. Last weekend, he showed his grandma one of his latest pieces, and she said, “Well, it’s not like you’re going to be an artist or anything.” My son was crushed.

Then there’s my daughter, who’s in a “princess phase.” She loves wearing dresses and tiaras, and my MIL told her, “You know, not everyone likes a girl who’s too girly. Maybe try being more normal.” My daughter was confused and asked me later what “normal” meant.

I’ve talked to my husband about this, and he says that’s just how his mom is and that she doesn’t mean any harm. But I can’t stand seeing my kids’ faces fall when their grandma belittles them.

So, this past weekend, I finally had enough. My MIL made another comment, this time about my son’s interest in cooking, saying, “Boys shouldn’t be in the kitchen. That’s a woman’s job.” I lost it. I told her that her comments were rude, outdated, and hurting the kids. I said if she can’t be supportive or at least keep her opinions to herself, she’s not welcome in our home.

Now, my husband is mad at me for “disrespecting” his mom and causing family drama. My MIL is telling everyone how “ungrateful” I am and that I’m trying to keep her away from her grandkids. I’m starting to wonder if I went too far.

So, Reddit, AITA for telling my mother-in-law to stop being rude to my kids?