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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/meowmeowMIXER8 on 2023-09-12 21:12:34.
I have been making sarson ka saag. Most recipes instruct to boil the leafy greens (mustard, spinach) for 2-5 minutes, then mash or purée, then sauté like any other masala.
since I eventually throw the boiled leaves in the blender, do I have to cut them up at all or could I just break the mustard leaves in half and leave spinach as is? Does have more surface area or breaking cell wall accomplish anything during the boiling step?
what would be the expected outcome if one were to skip the boiling altogether? Simply chop, throw in blender, and sauté the raw blend longer.
some instruct to throw the boiled leaves in ice to stop the cooking process. Our fridge sucks and doesn’t make enough ice for that. To compensate, I just throw leaves in once rolling boil, let it return to rolling and immediately remove since it so hot I’m sure it continues to cook even in the blender. Should I just take leaves out after 1 min, regardless if it returned to a rolling boil?
is there any cooking that I am trying to accomplish when I finally sauté them? Is it simply to bring it together with the spices and ginger/onions/garlic? Or am I looking for a taste or texture change?