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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/BukimiKun on 2023-09-12 16:32:12.

Zhensanhuan woks need no introduction. The top of line ones are hammered approx 36K times and cost roughly $300 for a 14" and they sell well.

I just came across the mother of all woks (price wise), a full copper version. Any thoughts on this vs the cheaper carbon steel? I’ve never seen pro chefs use copper woks but that doesn’t mean they are inferior.\_key=94fa666c9352c0e0477a359c07019a4ca68db026%3A751011880&click\_sum=b0b8e0b4&external=1&rec\_type=ss&ref=landingpage\_similar\_listing\_top-1&frs=1&variation0=1419061020