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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/Content-Ad1998 on 2023-09-12 16:42:25.
I recently purchased a Breville Control Freak, mostly as a tool to help me learn more about cooking.
So my question is going to come form the point of view of a fairly novice user.
Basically I am wondering how much precision I can expect from the device. I am finding that my pan temperature fluctuates more than I was expecting. If I set desired temp to 325F, for example, it overshoots and then undershoots (and then overshoots and then undershoots). It never really stabilizes at 325F exactly. This is true regardless of what SPEED I have it set at. If I set the speed to HIGH, the variance is about +/- five degrees. but it also happens when I set the temp to slow, just with less variance (+/- one or two degrees). My question is: is this normal or is my device a little wonky?
To be clear: I have experimented so far only with stainless steel pans. I have had the same level of fluctuation using an All Clad d3 tri-ply stainless steel 10-inch skillet AND with a brand new Made In five-ply stainless steel 10-inch skillet.
Should I try other pan materials (like cast iron or carbon steel)? Or is this just what the device is like? And will I see the same kinds of variance using the temperature probe?
Also of note: I have been letting the pan heat up and then adding oil or butter when the desired temp is partway reached and then adding the food (so far eggs or mushroom saute) when the desired temp is reached. So perhaps this procedure–my timing on when I am putting food in the pan–has something to do with my variances?
Thanks for your help.