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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Southern_Bed_1402 on 2023-09-14 18:40:10.

I [20m] am 5’3 tall. The rest of my family is average to tall: my dad is 5’10, my mom is 5’6, my brothers are 5’11 and 6’1.

When I was 11 or 12, my doctor told my family that my pituitary gland was malfunctioning/acting unpredictably, so in the coming years it would either stop producing growth hormone altogether really quickly and leave me short, or it would overproduce and I’d be tall (6’3+). It was impossible to predict which one would happen, and they suggested hormone stabilizing shots that would ensure normal growth.

My parents have been and are still wealthy and had no issue paying for these, but they said I had a chance to become very tall without these shots so I should take it. I said I’d rather have the shots because I’d rather just guarantee I’m ‘average’ than have a 50% shot of being incredibly short, but they didn’t listen.

As a result, I stopped growing very early and I’m only 5’3. My parents and siblings always make jokes about it and how I don’t have a girlfriend, which makes me angry because it was quite literally their choice that led me to the situation in which I don’t have a girlfriend and am short.

This past weekend, they visited me at college, and started making the same jokes, so I got angry and shouted at them that they can joke all they want but the reality is I’m in the situation I’m in because of the choice they made.

My mom started crying, and my dad got angry and said I was being a huge AH. AITA?