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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Prestigious-Video883 on 2023-09-15 08:00:30.

I f(20) and husband m(22) have been getting in a lot of fights. I am currently 38 weeks pregnant and I have rules for when the baby comes. No kissing, and no pictures of the baby posted online. I also wanted to not have visitors for the first two weeks, which was denied because " its not fair for everyone else". My husband had a talk with mil and fil and a huge dispute happen. My mil was not happy with the no kissing rule because she said “She loves having babies on her chest and kissing them”. My husband tried to enforce the rule but she was very upset. He came to me and told me to allow her to kiss the baby on the head and I said no kissing a new born because of disses and germs. He told me I need to make a compromise and give that up to make his mom happy. I don’t want to because people can’t simply understand that kissing a newborn in dangerous. He tried doing a lot of math and statistics to show me its not a big deal, and how unlikely the baby is to get sick. He told me I am being absurd and controlling and since other people will follow my other rules then I should allow his mom and grandma to kiss the baby. To which I said no still and it’s not negotiable, because they can all wait. Then I exploded when he told me that he invited them to come up 2 hours after the baby was born. Because acording to him that is all I need to recover. I don’t want people there right away because I will be in pain, bleeding, and still dirty in a gown. Not to mention that there will be people coming in to look at my private parts often after giving birth. I feel like the hospital should be my safe space to recover and bond with the baby, and that the decision to invite people when I am ready is up to me not to him. He said that it is his baby too and it’s not all about me. His mom is also very pushy and manipulative to the point where she told him that she wouldn’t come meet the baby if she could not kiss it. She has also made comments that attacked me about my body size and the babies size. She has also claimed the baby as “My baby”. She is just notorious for not following rules and doing whatever she wants.So am I the a-hole for not wanting people there right away and kissing my baby?