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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/unapologetically_cam on 2023-09-15 12:15:59.

I (18F) recently moved away from my family on my mom’s side. I was tired of being controlled by them for my entire life. For context, I’ve lived with my parents for my whole life but have never stood up to their rules. They’ve treated me like a child for my entire life. Before I moved out, at 17 I still had a bedtime, time limits on my phone and all technology confiscated at the end of every night, wasn’t allowed anything with sugar in it unless I hid it in my room, stuff like that. A few years ago too, I had my first relationship ever when I was 16. We did long distance for the most part and only saw each other in summer. My parents hated him for no reason. They say it’s because he didn’t introduce himself to them but he only didn’t because he was scared to say something wrong. For the next 2 years, my parents tried their damned hardest to make me end it with him. I loved him very much and he made me feel so happy. It crushed me that my parents were so hellbent on breaking us up. At one point, they took all my technology for a month so we couldn’t talk at all. It made me so sad but we got through it. Most nights I would talk to them I’d end up calling him crying because my parents were yelling about how stupid I was and how much of a loser my boyfriend was. I tried to visit him twice but my parents shot down all attempts.

When it came to finally be my 18th birthday, I hopped on a plane and went to see my boyfriend who I hadn’t seen in months. Fast forward a few months and I moved in with him and his family. His mom is very caring and is helping me adult and figure out the things my parents didn’t care to teach me about being an adult. I love all his siblings and we spend a lot of time together. I’m really happy here. My family on my dad’s side supports me. My grandma told me how she saw how controlling my parents were but never said anything. My dad yells at her for having a relationship with me. Right now, I won’t talk to them unless they admit to the hurt they’ve caused me. I know they were just trying to parent me the only way they knew how but it hurts they won’t admit they’ve done anything wrong. Am I the Asshole?