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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/irreplaceable-sneeze on 2023-09-15 18:41:57.

My MIL lives about 4 hours from us by car. She spends all of her money on holistics and spiritual healers (not the normal type like essential oils or crystals, she buys very weird, culty type stuff and is mixed in with some bizarre groups). She got a lot of money in her divorce and got to “keep” my husband’s college fund. She SHOULD have a good nest egg, but doesn’t.

Anyway, our son’s 1st birthday is coming up and there will be a lot of other family here. Our house is spacious, but it only has 3 rooms - mine and my husband’s, our son’s, and a loft space my husband uses as an office. We don’t have enough room to house everyone. We have a basement that’s half converted into a guest space, but my teenage brother and sister will be using it.

My husband told his mom this over the phone, that her and my BIL (her other son) will have to find accommodations, that there’s a really nice motel not far from us that only costs $80 CAD ($60 USD) per night. If her, BIL and his gf split it, it wouldn’t be that much.

She started balling her eyes out saying that she couldn’t afford it, that she wants to stay at our house, how she never sees us etc etc.

My husband told her too bad, we don’t have room.

I can’t help but feel bad, because MIL does usually stay in the basment, but the situation is different this time. It’s not like my teenage brother and sister can go get a hotel by themselves, and I don’t get to see them often as they live an hour away and don’t drive yet, so they’re really excited to get to stay with us. We could shuffle them around and put them in the loft on an air mattress so my MIL, BIL and his gf could use the basement, but honestly it’d be really inconvenient to have that many people staying in our house for the weekend when our son needs to nap and go to bed at 7:30. They are not quiet people.


Edit: Some info I forgot to add. She comes to us because it’s easier as we have a baby and I’m currently pregnant with twins. We used to only travel to her pre kids but we decided we’re not travelling 4 hours with 3 babies, especially since she’s the only one who lives where she lives. My BIL, her sister and all of her other family live in the next city over to us ~2 hours away. It makes no sense for everyone to travel to her all the time.

The reason I feel bad though is because when she visits, she usually does stay with us in the basement, however, we are trying to set a precedent before our twin infants arrive that a bunch of people staying here with 3 babies in the house isn’t happening.