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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Reddit_User-0 on 2023-09-16 01:39:33.

(English is not my first language so sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors)

I(48F) and my husband(50M) got married 2 moths ago. We both have been married before, me widowed and him him divorced, so we wanted out wedding to be fun and relaxed with all out friends and family there to celebrate the start to a new chapter of our lives. We both had decided to wear purple at our wedding so when we sent out our invitations we asked that all guest attending not wear purple. This color has significant meaning to the both of us as it was the favorite color of my husband’s daughter who unfortunately died of cancer a year ago. She was able to be there when we got engaged but couldn’t here who to see us get married. My husband and her were very close as her mother (husbands ex wife) was barely in her life. In the 3 years I knew her, we had become close and I truly felt like she was my own daughter (I don’t have any children). When she died, my husband and I were devastated. To honor her we chose to wear purple so we could feel like she was there with us.

Now on to when it started. We asked all guests who wanted to be in early pictures to show up an hour before the ceremony, so you can imagine my surprise while in the middle of taking pictures I see a woman get out a car wearing a floor length, solid purple dress. My husband and I noticed at the same time and we were both horrified. Shortly other caught wind of what was happening so my mom, my sisters, and my MIL when over and told her she had to leave. I didn’t hear exactly what was said but there was lots of yelling before she got back into her car and drove off. at that time others were starting to show up for the ceremony and caught the end of the encounter and were all asking questions of what happened. We later found out that she the plus one of my husband’s cousin but he ended up getting sick and just told her she could go by herself so since no one really knew her we all thought the issue was dropped. The rest of the night was beautiful and everything I could have ever imagined and naturally I forgot about what happened.

About a week ago, one of my friends who was at the wedding and saw the encounter, sent a Facebook post made by her the day after my wedding. She basically talked about how we were disrespectful and rude for kicking her out the way we did. Saying we had completely embarrassed her and made a fool out of her. She called us all sorts of names saying that I was just jealous and insecure because she was prettier than me and how it’s “just a color and we can’t own it”. I was horrified. I started crying out of frustration reading it then started to feel guilty, thinking that maybe she was right. I told my husband and he was furious and immediately called his cousin to tell her to take down the post but to no avail.


  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I don’t understand bot posting discussion questions that OP can’t participate in.

    But yeah, everyone but the poor plus one is an asshole. All they had to do was take her aside and explain the situation. Hell, they could have even asked around to see if anyone had something she could borrow if it was a genuine mistake.