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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/BestRevolution604 on 2023-09-16 20:11:56.

I (50,male) have two sons (28 and 26) and a daughter (21).

Growing up, my sons didn’t like each other very much and were in constant competition and rivalry. It was not like they were constantly fighting or something like that, they just didn’t enjoy each others company.

However, this constellation turned out to be a jackpot for my daughter. Both of my boys showered her with all their love and attention. They doted on her, spoiled her in their own unique ways and bought her lots of stuff. Their baby sister can simply do no wrong.

My wife loved this dynamic in our family but I always felt that this wasn’t good for anyone involved. I tried more than one time to fix the relationship of my sons but failed. I also tried to make them unterstand that they do harm to their sister if they do whatever she wants with a finger snip. But wife and sons ignored me regarding this topic.

Lately my daughter is complaining a lot about her dating life. Every guy she dates seems to has some sort of deficit. Too loud, too lazy, too demanding… you get it. Yesterday we had a family dinner and she announced that she broke up with ,that last guy, I told her that if she expects a random guy to treat her like her brothers do treat her she is in for many many disappointments and a lonely life. My Wife said that this is a ridiculous take and that I should mind my own business. But I was angry at this point and pointed with the finger at my sons. ,you guys see what you did? You raised a spoiled, entitled woman and now she expects this from everyone,. I told my wife that she is equally to blame. She favored our daughter and was more than happy that the boys were at odds with each other. When accused of playing favorites my wife snapped at me and then left the room. My oldest boy called me a mayor AH and left with his siblings.

I talked a few sentences with my wife since then but not with the kids. AITA? I want my daughter to be happy but I fear she will be alone for very long if she holds every guy to the standard of her brothers. Also her mom deserved those words.

Edit: What is this comment section? Do you guys know the meaning of the word spoiled?